IOTech Systems Limited

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Lenovo logo | IOTech Systems Partner


Lenovo Introduction

At Lenovo, innovation isn’t just what we do, it’s part of our DNA. It doesn’t just make us who we are, it flows through everything we do—from the smartphone in your pocket and light bulbs in your smart home to the servers in your data center. And beyond.

Our story began more than three decades ago with a team of eleven engineers in China. Today, we are a diverse group of forward thinkers and innovators in more than 180 markets, constantly reimagining technology to make the world more interesting and to solve tough global challenges.

We are dedicated to transforming our customers’ experience with technology—and how it, and they, interact with the world around us. We call this Intelligent Transformation. We are setting the stage for what’s possible with technology shaped by Augmented Intelligence, capable of enhancing and elevating human capability.

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Keywords for: Lenovo Partnership | IOTech, Edge Software Solutions

open edge data platform, edge software solutions, edge computing iiot, digital transformation solutions, iotech systems, iiot platform, data processing, edgex foundry, iotech, dataops